Martí Guixé
The work of Martí Guixé (1964) can be described as 'beyond design'. Guixé is a designer with the mind of an artist, and the 'do-mentality' of a designer. In his search for essential contemporary forms of design, he operates outside current paths and formats. He resoundingly announces his loathing of things, let alone designing them. The latest variant of a chair or other type of furniture he condemns as totally useless. Designers can really no longer afford to ignore all the changes afoot that radically influenced ways that people today live, work and eat. Therefore he himself prefers to concentrate on how things work instead of creating even more objects that prioritise form. As an individual 'global designer', living in Barcelona and Berlin, he prefers to focus on ideas, functions and systems.
Read the full text by Ineke Schwartz in the book.